Custodian API:

The Custodian API provides essential functionalities for managing user-related projects, available projects, user roles, token pricing, and wallets.

Assets belonging to User:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/assets/user/{userId}
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve a list of projects associated with the authenticated user. This endpoint is useful for users to view and manage their specific projects.

List of All Available Projects:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/project
Method: GET
Description: Obtain a comprehensive list of all available projects. This endpoint serves to showcase the diversity of projects accessible within the Custodian system.

List of User Roles :

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/project/{projectId}/relations
Method: GET
Description: Fetch a detailed list of user roles. This endpoint assists in understanding the different roles and their corresponding token costs.

Token Price:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/project/{projectId}/price/{userId}
Method: GET

Description: Return token price.


Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/wallets/user/{userId}
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve information about user wallets, providing insights into the financial aspect of the user's account within the Custodian system.

Tokenization API:

The Tokenization API is designed for the creation of tokenized projects and provides insights into existing projects, sharers, and props.

Create Tokenized Projects:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/tokenization
Method: POST
Description: Initiate the creation of a new tokenized project. This endpoint is fundamental for users looking to tokenize their projects within the Tokenization system.

List of All Tokenization Projects:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/tokenization
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve a comprehensive list of all tokenized projects. This endpoint offers visibility into the diverse range of tokenized projects available.

Get Shareholders:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/tokenization/{symbol}/shareholders
Method: GET
Description: Fetch information about shareholders associated with tokenized projects. This endpoint aids in understanding the key contributors.

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/tokenization/properties
Method: GET
Description: This endpoint aids in understanding properties of tokenized projects.

DLT Register API:

The DLT Register API provides functionalities for user and project management, basic project information retrieval, blockchain information, payments, and token blocking.

Create Users:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/users
Method: POST
Description: Initiate the creation of users within the DLT Register system.

Get Basic Project Information:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/register/project/{projectId}
Method: GET
Description: Retrieve fundamental information about projects, providing an overview of the projects within the DLT Register system.

Get Blockchain Information:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/register/project/{projectId}/network
Method: GET
Description: Fetch information about the underlying blockchain, offering insights into the technical infrastructure.

Create Payouts:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/payouts
Method: POST
Description: Initiate payment transactions within the DLT Register system.

Create Blockers:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/register/blockers

Method: POST
Description: Provide capability to block a specific amount of tokens for a user.

Trading API:

The Trading API is focused on user management, the creation of tokenized projects, token transfers, deposit operations, and the creation of sell and buy orders.

Create Users:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/users/{userId}
Method: POST
Description: Facilitate the creation of new users within the Trading system.

Create Tokenized Projects:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/assets
Method: POST
Description: Initiate the creation of tokenized projects within the Trading system.

Transfer Tokens:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/transfers
Method: POST
Description: Facilitate the transfer of tokens between user accounts within the Trading system.

Deposit Money:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/fiat/deposit
Method: POST
Description: Enable users to deposit money into their accounts within the Trading system.

Create Sell Orders:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/orders
Method: POST
Description: Initiate the creation of sell orders for tokens within the Trading system.

Create Buy Orders:

Endpoint: https://investment-back.test.ive.one/api/v1/nola/orders
Method: POST
Description: Initiate the creation of buy orders for tokens within the Trading system.

These APIs collectively empower users to manage projects, tokenize assets, interact with blockchain functionality, and engage in trading operations within the respective systems. The provided endpoints and methods offer a comprehensive set of functionalities for developers and users interacting with these systems.